Oh man, a whole semester has come and gone - and it sure has been a pretty crazy semester. I honestly don't even know where to begin @__@
The start of the semester was exciting - moving into my first apartment and getting to live with Eunice and Minerva! I had a lot of fun arranging and decorating our new space (and I was particularly excited about our wonderfully carpeted floor.) Our apartment saw some pretty good times with friends, both old and new, but our couch didn't have such a good time (it got puked on lol). I really enjoyed roomie bonding time- whether it was grocery shopping, cooking, guacamole night, or mask day (lol even after the 5th time we did it I still can't get over how ridiculous we look). Near the end of the semester we all got really pretty busy and overwhelmed with other things, and roomie bonding time was cut pretty intensely :\ Hopefully without the stress of the semester, we'll spend some quality time together in January ^^ I'm so happy we made the decision to move into the apartment though- so far during my time at MIT I never felt at home in any of my living spaces, but I feel like I finally found a place I feel really secure and relaxed in <3
Another huge part of my semester was dance- This year I auditioned and finally got into Mocha! Waaaahh I was so excited I could hardly believe it! It was really intimidating and challenging, but I had a blast dancing with them. After the first couple practices, I actually injured my knee and was out of commission for a few weeks, which was ridiculously frustrating. I literally couldn't even walk for a couple days and which completely pissed me off. But eventually I could lightly dance with my brace on and I even got to
dance at World of Dance Boston @__@. Literally danced on the same stage as Poreotics holy shiiiiit dream come true. Then later in the semester, I performed at Mocha's annual dance competition Ring the Alarm both with them and with constructs/immobilare (MIT's popping and breaking groups)! We did a
pokemon themed set xD. Dancing at RTA was CRAZZZYY. The room was just full of pure hype and energy and dancing in front of such an audience was absolutely incredible to say the least. I feel like I'm not doing it justice through my shitty writing skills lol. Anyway, in addition to Mocha, I did another wonderful semester of ADT :). This semester I was allowed to choreograph BTS (my beautiful bbs <3) and even though it was challenging and frustrating at first, I was really proud of what we were able to do at
showcase. I also was in charge of the guy choreo (Minerva did girl choreo) for a duet piece (Troublemaker's Now) and had a blast working with them. At first they were p bad not gonna lie lol, but by the end my boys were so hot and wonderful and I literally could cry tears while thinking about their
success stories. So yeah - a great semester of dance! Can't wait to push even harder after the break >:D
Another big change in my life this semester was getting into my first relationship! Literally what. I honestly don't know what to write right now (I literally just typed and deleted things for an hour), so for now I'll just say that I like him a lot and that being with him has taught me some important lessons about how to really take someone else into consideration- things that I thought I already knew but didn't truly understand. Looking forward to spending time together and growing more in the new year :) LOL OKAY NOW ON TO PICTURES. @__@
Yay roomies! Home sweet home :) |
Went to check out the galleries at the Institute of Contemporary Art on a class trip! My favorite was definitely this dark room that was completely bare except for a rectangle of projected light on the ground in one corner. You can stand their and cast a shadow while stuff is happening in the background (ex. people and objects are falling from the sky) It's the top, middle one! I stood there for a good 10 minutes probably haha |
Weee food @_@ Ate at Yume Wo Katare ("Tell me your dream") for the first time! It's a pretty famous ramen shop and after you finish eating you stand up and tell everyone your dream. It's kind of cheesy but kind of beautiful at the same time. Blackberry and raspberry fro-yo from cafe 472 with Minerva, classic. Breakfast and milk tea at the apartment <3 Berry french toast at Cafe Luna aka my first date with Eric @_@. Chicken katsu curry at GoGoCurry with Eunice~ Toto ramennn. First time eating at BONCHON YEAH. Padthai at Wagamama with Randi ^^ And last but not least...Thanksgiving asian food waoowww |
Top half is Eunice's birthday! We went out for some good ol' hotpot buffet with the boys in suits and Eunice wearing the birthday tiara. As for cake....we didn't have candles so we threw 21 plastic knives into the fruit tart instead lol. Bottom is BTS bonding dinner + karaoke afterwards! And there's me and Eric the first night we actually talked...I think I just sat there trolling everyone all night. Was a good time. |
Time with friends :) Nate came over and cooked us a delicious salmon alfredo fettacine dinner! Eating at Tatte with Kiaraaa my wonderful co-sales and media for ADT, Yuta the big yellow lump, Weiwei with his new ink (it actually looked p legit for a day), Eric looking like a goober. |
Had a blast performing with my BTS bbs <3 Also check out our hot shirts aaayyyyy |
MOCHA! I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such kind, inspirational dancers! I felt like I've grown a bit this semester thanks to them. Had so much fun dancing with them and Imobstructs <33 Also WOD .__. Still can't believe. |
Another great semester with my ADT family <3 |