Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kinda Resolved!

I talked to that girl about the whole misunderstanding thing, and i think she doesn't hate me anymore. Except now i think she's mad at this other guy for something else. -_-

Anyway, school this week so far was extremely lame.  Loads of homework and shit that i just don't want to deal with.

But on monday i got about 4 hours of sleep, and tuesday actually turned out to be like the best day ever.
I'm pretty sure it was only because i felt totally high.

And now i'm procrastinating on my APUSH essay that's due tomorrow.  I've gotten about three sentences done so far, after like 3 hours of working on it.  I guess a sentence per hour isn't bad, but i need atleast 500 more words now :\

Marching band is fun like usual, but god damnit, this one kid who's in the bassline with me has to be the most annoying freshman in the world, though i'll probably rant about that later or something.

I also got this fantastic bug bite on my wrist, which was small at first, but after i played volleyball it's transformed into this big retarded red thing.  It looks like an allergic reaction almost and itches like hell. -_-

Now there's this crazy wind storm or whatever going on outside, and of course my mom opened all the windows.  So the doors in my house are just randomly slamming by themselves, which is really not distracting at all when i'm trying to work on my essay.  Except i'm not actually working on it, so i guess it doesn't matter much.

Well, time to go out in the wind and try to sell some last minute cheesecakes! (it's to raise money for my music trip this year)

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I dunno why I'm actually taking the time to write a second post.  Maybe because junior year is driving me crazy even though it's only the second week :\
Seriously I feel like crap already.  I spent all week waiting for friday, and once the weekend finally came, my parents wouldn't even let me out of the house. great.  So I'm stuck here in prison drowning in homework and feeling shitty.  To make it even better, I'm starving and the only thing to eat in my house is leftovers.  I'm pretty sure that's the only thing we EVER have to eat.  Which hardly makes sense because the leftovers have to not be leftovers at one point in their lives(?).


So I just read some old entries in a blog by a girl who totally hates me due to a huge retarded misunderstanding that happened a couple months ago.  Her entries basically said stuff like "Sonya can fucking suck my dick" and that i'm a fucked up bitch messing up another perfectly good friendship.
Reading stuff like that about myself kinda sucks to be honest.  
But it's dumb cuz we used to be friends and something that never even happened made her hate me.  Who knows, she might've hated me for other reasons too, but whatever.
Soooo the moral of this story is that i want to somehow make things right, or atleast let her know i didn't have some stupid intentions.  I'll probably write about how that turns out later :\
-end rant-

First Post? Kind of.

Why am I making a blog at 1:36 in the morning? I dunno. I don't even have anything to write, so this is pretty pointless.  I just know I have a crap load of homework that I had planned on finishing today, but I hardly even started.  Who's going to read this thing anyway? Actually, it's probably better if no one reads it, cuz chances are it'll be a huge waste of time.  You're basically reading about me wasting my time while wasting your time, which is quite productive in my opinion.  Okay that last sentence didn't even make sense. I'll figure out how to blog later, and maybe then I'll have something at least mildly amusing for my audience (lol) to read.  Night !