Sunday, May 31, 2015

Colorful End

I'm currently vegetating at home on day 4 of wisdom-removal recovery aka the beginning of the cheek-deflation-period that commonly follows the chipmunk stage.  So far I haven't really done much at home, only slept, watched videos, and eaten at a pace slower than a sloth. It's a little frustrating to only drink smoothies and eat (drink?) soup all day, so I started eating solid food with my front teeth. It's painfully slow, but the flavor is so rewarding @__@ 

Of course this also means that Junior year is over. (err mostly at least. I still have an overdue essay lol) The last three weeks were crazy hectic! First there was DT prod week which ended with FIVE shows (honestly why is there five.) Then ADT prod week with three shows. And finally Finals week. Somewhere in between all that, throw in two final projects, final papers, outings with friends, two tons of stress, and an apartment party (where the only casualty was one of our futon.) A colorful and exciting end to a colorful and exciting semester!

Now looking forward to an adventure-filled summer :) (which can begin as soon as I finish this essay...)
Hello Kitty curry that me and eunice made for randi! Breakfast for EDSM girls. Found these weird octopus-like balloons and decided to take them to our apartment. Yummy brunch topped with avocado. PINKBERRY. And selfies in the mirror above the carousal at the Boston Japan Festival! 

DT friends :) Sonya's first contemp experience. Dinner with Vic, Herman, and Randi at Thelonius. Custom shoes that I painted for Vic's dance's choreographer gift (we all signed a triangle!)
LIONKINGZ. Our first choreographed DT hiphop piece! It was awesome watching it on stage with the lights and everything (borderline magical, I mean come on, look at that first pic). There was just so much life to be had. We also got some pretty great feedback on it! Our dance got us Lion King sweaters :) Also check out those boss tanks - guess who designed them? :^) 
A wonderful 5th semester of ADT with old and new friends <3 I choreographed an all-guys piece this semester which was really frustrating, but in the end super rewarding (haha in the end, isn't everything always? #nostalgia) But man, I really can't believe I only have two semesters of ADT left @__@ where has the time gone?
With the boo :) ADT - ZBT semi - and our last day together before he had to fly home. We walked about 10 miles around Boston that day, just talking and casually shopping. It was a really relaxing day that we wrapped up with honey milk tea, Liar's Dice, and Smash. Lol how romantic <3 
Homemade french toast topped with fresh berries from the market (and a dash of aesthetic powdered sugar) by Nathaniel aka Nate made me brunch weeee~ Caught up with him and found out that he's biking from Boston to Los Angeles this summer! Also found out that he often makes fresh toast on saturdays, bikes to the bakery and market early in the morning, and plans to teach math and do some waiter-work in Cali. I am baffled why no one has made an indie film about him yet. Karaoke for Sally's 22nd! Had fun unwinding with ADT friends after a stressful finals week. Also the Collier memorial opened recently around the time of the 2 year anniversary of the Boston bombings. A beautiful memorial and space. Lastly, a "fossilized phone" that I found absolutely genius and humorously quirky. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Golden Boston

Only two more weeks until my junior year comes to an end....where did all that time go? Another semester has flown by, bringing with it good times and bad, rest and stress, and a lot of dance. I feel like I've been generally happier lately, but also slightly neurotic. It's a pretty weird combination.  Relationship problems and worrying about my future are slowly eating away at me, but I'm simultaneously (and strangely) optimistic and calm about everything (for the most part).  Again, a pretty weird combination. 

This past weekend marked the start of DT prod week! This semester Randi and I choreographed a dance together based on the Lion King. Hoho I'm so excited to see it on stage with costumes and lights! Our bbs have really come a long way over the course of the semester and have made me soso proud @__@. I've also realized this semester how much of an asian mom I am. I'm strict and cold but have so many feelings inside. Oh man. 

The weather lately has been so beautiful, but almost too hot. I'm so used to the cold now! (That sounds metaphoric lol)  It's funny that it's been so nice outside recently, just as we are all locking ourselves into libraries for the next two weeks. Good one environment, good one. 

That's all I'm going to post for now! Will post more in the coming days cuz I'm trying to get back into blogging (just realized that this is literally my first post of 2015. so sad). Enjoy the pictures :)

I thought I was being so funny with this collage because the columns are so similar. Har de har.
I had to. 
December fun times :) Half from end of the semester, other half from going home. My friends and family are so goofy hehe
Crazy holiday window displays in NYC when I went to hang with Weiwei over the break.  I was so in love with these, and I think the theme was "The Arts".  These two were Architecture and Painting.
Here are Theater and Music.
Michael and I built Minerva a bed! I was so proud of us lol. Really sick booth in Bryant Park that sold (overpriced) jewelry made from reclaimed vinyl records. So expensive, but I was obsessed with them. Little rug coasters at the Met store. Old photography exhibit at New York Public Library. Metal gloves on the escalators in Porter Square. Fancy dinner at ZBT cooked by John and Charles. 
Winter break family fun time! Making dumplings, ice skating, touristing in NYC, eating hotpot, and watching movies (Big Hero changed my life) And yes that's me holding my family in the palm of my hand. 
Delicious home cooking (moooooom <3) and delicious restaurant food. I love Chinese food.
Homemade guac and birthday flowers from parents. Eunice and Yuta being really cute. A picture I took during diffeq that I found to be practically genius: Reflection of the exit sign next to my notes? Real-life symbolism. Me and Randi during Mocha Show 2015: MoMA in our spongebob get-up. Baymax curry @__@. My two birthday cakes that were both very delicious. My first legal alcoholic drink in the states (it's umeshuu) pre-valentines dinner date pic. Lunch with the boys after ADT practice!
More glorious food - from restaurant week, random food adventures, and visiting home!
Went to a Japanese festival in Boston Commons and found the gorilla man from GoGoCurry. Hotpot with family :) After watching 50 Shades of Grey with EDSM lol. Family shenanigans. Won first place with Eunice for a film hackathon! And the giant picture is everyone in Mamma Mia and Boys Medley during an external performance ^^ 
Some art that I found very inspiring on a trip to the Met over spring break!
John frantically taking pictures because the sunset was doing amazing things.  Everything was gloomy and dark except for the banks of the river and the building that were lit up like gold. Most of the asian mocha crew after performing at Footwork. With Eric at Mistral (fancy french place) during Restaurant week. Chilling after an ADT external performance.  With the apartment girls + Yuta after Eunice cut off all of my hair and minerva painted all of our nails (including Yuta's lol)