Monday, June 22, 2015

Twin Yolks

Week two of work officially over.... it's kind of cool having such flexible hours, but at the same time it's pretty stressful since I always feel like there is work to be done. I kind of wish I had a job with concrete hours so when I'm not at "the office" I can just chill and not worry about whether my boss expects me to get things done before the next meeting or not.  For example, a few nights ago I practically pulled an all-nighter doing work.  Atleast I am enjoying it haha :')

So I actually typed up a huge thing, and then forgot to save the draft. I'm too lazy to type up the whole thing over again (trust me it wasn't exciting nor important. Just long.) so I'm just gonna go ahead and caption the photos hahaha
Last week our third roommate arrived (Khanh!) and we spent some time decorating our room. Randi got these cool mini LEDs from someone in ADT and we hung them on wire and put them inside of our aloe bottles. In between each bottom we put random little figurines and other objects. This picture doesn't do it justice, but the green hazy glow and items make it look like some hipster art museum haha
We strung the other LEDs across our window! They look like they are floating
We got cute matching cat bowls for the apartment! A close up of our beautiful hanging lights. A burger I snagged from a private event and sort of got in trouble for. Matt taking a pic of his first-ever ramen (!!!) Making lunch for my adorable roomies huehue
My beautiful breakfasts
Met the team that I'm working with for the first time! The boss-man (lol he hates it when I call him that) took us out for Shabu-shabu~ It was delicious holy moly. I ate everything (while the rest of my team watched) and regretted it after I stood up. Everyone else was smart and just stopped eating when they got too full. oh well, #yolo.
Of course more pictures of food. We recently inherited a blender and some wine glasses from Nate so we've been making some baller smoothies. Check those outttttt. Also do you see those two yolks at the bottom? They came from the SAME EGG. @__@ Craziness. My dad said that means we are now very lucky.
I call this one "Friends&Food". I really quite enjoy making dinner and eating together with everyone!
A cool display I came across in the Media Lab- I think it's about assigning form to different emotions. Lol my favorite is intentful pursuit. No idea how they decided on these shapes, but it looks pretty sick nevertheless 

Monday, June 8, 2015


I'm now back in Boston, blogging from the comfort of my (surprisingly clean) apartment! I got back a couple of days ago now, and haven't really been doing too much other than working on an app design for the quasi-internship I have this summer.  Why quasi you ask? Well, the guy offered me a job out of the blue when I went to go interview him for one of my final essays.  In the end, I had absolutely nothing to do for the summer (cry why don't companies want me T_T) so I took him up on his offer.  He's definitely an interesting person to work for/with. A visionary! Sometimes seems very smart and sometimes seems very not-smart (lol I hope he never finds this blog.) Or, I suppose, not really "not-smart" but more like "not thinking ideas through before throwing them out there".  Actually, that could be a pretty good trait since it definitely gets ideas rolling.... okay haha regardless, basically it just means we argue a lot, and I get frustrated quite often, but I'm also surprisingly having a blast working on this app! As sad as it sounds, I'm excited that I'm excited about something.  I've been worried for a while that I'd never find a job I'd actually enjoy doing, but now I have a little more faith in myself haha. It's fun to design, but what I really enjoy is the part where I have to be constantly thinking (again, surprising because I hate thinking) about how the user will react to certain decisions, what app flow makes the most sense, how subtle changes in design can have can have a huge impact on user experience, and how to solve all the problems that pop up while designing an app. A tiny part of me sort of wishes my boss knew more of what he wanted so I could be doing my job faster and more efficiently, but at the same time it's pretty exciting to have a say not only in what the app looks like (which is what I thought my job would be) but how it works and what features it contains.  This app is basically going to be my life for the next few weeks (months?) so look forward to me rambling about it. 

Semi-Chipmunk-Sonya. Kaykay being talented. Soft tomato with melted sugar @__@ - something I learned from my aunt. A classic dim sum shot of my mom and eggplant. Friends trying to English but only succeeding in making 3 letter words. Lol jk, sometimes there are more letters :) 
Pictures of delicious suffering. Basically my mouth was still healing from wisdom-removal, but I couldn't stay away from real food for more than 3 days @__@. Every bite hurt, but they were all worth it. Except for the toast. 
Took a trip to the city on  6:30 am train lol. Met up with Ed for breakfast at 7:30am and we walked a billion miles to this place called Clinton Street Baking Company.  It's a really chill place with fucking amazing blueberry pancakes (I had a bite of Ed's and died.) I ordered a tomato-swiss-caramelized-onion-omelette that was ridiculously savory. Afterwards we waddled around the city and I checked out his apartment which had really nice hardwood floors (lol jealous because our kitchen floor sucks) Then I walked a few thousand more miles to grab lunch with my Dad before hopping on a bus back to Boston. Included some pictures of cool things I saw in the city!
Touch down in Boston! Spent the night chilling with Nate who came over to eat dinner. I made some quality eggplant with ground pork and hot pepper, potatoes, and egg and tomato soup. I'm gonna miss our good talks next year. :/ Also a pic of randi looking mad domestic after cutting us some apples ^^