Yup so i'm back from my super college trip! Actually it wasn't really that long, and i got back a few days ago, but still. So you guys want to hear about it? Of course you do. Well, you don't really have a say in it, so ha, here we go!
This is the outside of the library ! |
Day 1 was the (mostly) fabulous city of New Haven for Yale University ! After a fantastic car ride full of screaming and crying (my sister, not me lol) we arrived at around 12 in time for the info sess and tour. Yale is beautiful !! Especially the architecture. I was obsessed with the library building cuz it was made from some kind of stone that was cut a certain thickness to look completely normal form the outside, but it let in natural light. How sick is that? My dad made fun of me because i was "over-reacting" but trust me, it was amazing. I tried to take pics of it, but you have to see it in person to fully understand the awesomeness. Also, the dinning hall was gorgeous. Me and my dad (my dad and I for you grammar freaks) agreed that it looked like something Harry Potter- esque. The people at Yale were different than i thought they were going to be. Of course they were really nice, but also they were....kinda weird. It might've just been the people i ended up touring with/ listening to talk, but man, most of them just seemed pretty eccentric. Which was actually kind of a pleasant surprise. This one guy who was answering questions for the student sess was definitely high out of his mind haha it was kind of fantastic (did i mention he was sorta super dreamy?)
Here's the inside of the library wall, pretty huh? |
Another view of the library. This is the manuscript/valuable-old-stuff library, so everything is in the center and protected by a big glass case. |
This is the dining hall ! It's a lot more breathtaking in person, but still. |
And to finish off Yale, here are some random pictures of the pretty pretty architecture:
Lol my sister. |
Haha and i had to put this one up too. Idk why i found it so funny. |
See the peddlers? |
Next on our stop was Cambridge MA for Hahvahd ! I was actually kind of annoyed my parents made me go because i literally have no chance of getting in, but i went, and to my chagrin,
i loved it. So now i'm probably going to end up applying, greaaat. We got there monday night so we could check it out on tuesday. The town is the cutest thing ever ! and there were bands playing all around harvard square. My favorite of them all was this one called
[ Melodeego ] and they were absolutely amazing ! Besides for the fact that they were extremely talented, they were into going green, (actually they were kind of like modern day hippies) so they actually had these people peddling for them (volunteers in the audience) to generate all the power for their amps/lights. It was really really great. Also their lyrics and songs were extremely creative. Instant points to Harvard? I think yes. Also i went up and got one of their info cards that had their fb page and stuff on it, and get this, you can
plant it after you like them on fb....and fucking flowers will grow. 100% compostable seed paper, nbd.
They also had these cute light-seat things everywhere! Actually, i'm not sure if it's supposed to be sat on, but....yeah, the option was there, so we took it. |

Then came the actual campus and all that jazz. The weather was great, just like it was in New Haven, and the campus was pretty. I don't care what abby says, i loved it ! (She thinks it's ugly) But dude, just look at these buildings !! My dad spent a lot of the time comparing it to Yale which kiinndda pissed me off, but hey. The people at Harvard were also not what i expected. They were really nice and much more normal than the Yale people. Also, i didn't sense any of the stuck-up pretentious air that i've heard so much about. Or maybe i'm not that discerning. But in any case, i really enjoyed the Hahvahd experience !
No, this is actually not a church! |
Also i got to try Pinkberry for the first time, and it was deliciously delicious. It was basically Red Mango, except not self served, and the froyo was a little more tart. I also went to Urban Outfitters for the first time, and it's sooo coool. I wasn't able to buy any clothes since my sister started screaming and we had to leave the store, but my dad was able to buy a mini ping pong set. It's actually the cutest thing ever. It comes with a mini net that has suction cups on the sides, so you can play anywhere! Speaking of my sister, she misbehaved a lot on this trip. Somehow she learned to scream louder and be more obnoxious.

I didn't think it was possible. While we were at a restaurant, she started going crazy because she didn't like the high-chair, and when my parents left to go attend to her, the store-owner commented to me that she was going to be such a spoiled child. I had to agree, and my parents are starting to realize it too. Oh god. Anyway, after Cambridge, we went to a nearby city to visit ....my birthplace! Well not the hospital, but the apartment my parents lived in at the time. While we were at the supermarket there i found the most delicious chocolate known to man: Andes! Haha, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but i hadn't seen them for the longest time, and i was really excited about it. Lol, it's even important enough for me to upload a picture of it.
It's beautiful. |
Goddamnit. |
Anyway, it's 1:09 am and i have to wake up at 6:30 for art boot camp. Yay. So i better type fast ! Ahhh!! Okay, so next was Providence, Rhode Island for Brown and RISD (Rhode Island School of Design). It was....SO GOD DAMN HILLY. That was a major problem for me, the most inactive nub ever. But besides for that, it was a pretty cute town. I heard it's kind of unsafe, but according to the tour-guides (...should i believe them?) it's a nice, young town, and has recently gotten a lot more safe. The cool thing about brown and risd, is that you can take classes at either location if you get into one. Brown was nice, and our tour guide was hilarious! Risd was pretty cool too, and the people were really eccentric, which is one reason i'm not so intent on art school. I'd rather go for a normal college, and major in art. Okay, i really don't want to type that much, so i'll just post the pics, lol.
More hills, greeeeeaat. |
Brown ! |
The cool clock that my dad was really fascinated by at the RISD library. He took this picture, and was really proud of it hahaha. |
The super cool wall thing that I was obsessed with haha, it morphs from dots into cut out letters. The stairs lead to this high reading area thing, where you can stare down at the rest of the library |
Yup, so that was my trip in a nutshell. I probably had way more to say about it, but it's now 1:30, and the actual trip happened almost a week ago ! Oh procrastination. Anyway, some new things in my life ? Mostly just band practices, getting ready for the show on saturday !! Also, mara had a fun BBQ at her house yesterday to celebrate 4th of July ! Thanks for having us over :) My chicken kabob was very yummy
♥ Then we went to watch the fireworks, which were gorgeous (and blinding). Anyway, i need to get ready for tomorrow. After art
class boot camp (legit, it's every morning for 4 hours. And i live an hour away), i have to rush home and take a train to NYC to meet up with Ed and Albert (camp friends that i haven't seen in 2 years!) I'll blog about that later of course since i have no life, good night !
oooooh your college trip was like almost the same as mine ahahha
Yaaaaah I remember the library at Yale was so cooooool
And yes Brown big hill
also of course Harvard is not gonna be asshole-y on a tour ahahahahha (BUT THEYRE EVIL)