Last week we had the first three days off for winter break! It's been over a week since then so I honestly can't remember anything I did, but here are some pictures from the (short) break. Looking back, most of my week seems to be food related lol. How sad. Well, it's probably because my friends and I recently discovered this cute little Japanese restaurant somewhat nearby, so we went twice over break! The first time I went with courtney, and we were so stuffed with food that we didn't have room for dessert (I really wanted mochi ice cream -_- ) but a few days later when we went again with some other people, I managed to be united with my mochi ice cream at last ! It was so beautiful I almost cried (that's a lie) and tasted pretty damn good too. Also, Shalom-D practiced a little, and we have a show coming up next friday! Ahhh! Afterwards we went to Qdoba, and I discovered the most delicious burrito in the history of the world. Chicken, guacamole, rice, cheese, tomatoes, onions, and queso sauce. Yumyum. If you don't know, Qdoba burritos are like giant bricks, but I managed to force it all down anyway. Needless to say, major food baby. But it hurt so good. Also on the last day I remembered I had art homework, and stayed up till 4 painting that crappy
[Fred Johnson] knockoff. We were supposed to paint ourselves with some kind of super power, or freak-show talent, and then advertise it. I don't really like assignments like this because I'm basically told to copy another artist's style, which cramps my style, pun intended. Ha. In other (food-related) news, I made truffles with my neighbs, which were kind of delicious but kind of disgustingly sweet at the same time. Regardless, I ate melted butterscotch off the giant spoon, nbd. Also, I got asked to prom...with duck sauce packets on my car hahahaha. I ended up saying no to him, which I felt bad about. Some people told me he was pretty upset about it, but there's nothing awkward between us, so that's good. Random fact: McDonald's gave me free chicken mcnuggits on monday.

Massive mound of free donuts |
Hi courtney :) Hi miso soup. Hi delicious salad. |
Green tea mochi ice cream AKA my lover. |
Chocolate and butterscotch balls! They're filled with crushed oreos and cream cheese |
Soy sauce bunny! ......and mango mochi ice cream ♥ |
wow so much food it looks so delicous @-@