Merry Christmas!
Christmas morning! ...2 am. |
Before I recap on the past few days, I should probably blog about today, right? So incase you didn't infer from the first two words, today is Christmas! I was woken up around 9 by my sister's excited screams (that were approximately 6 inches from my face) and stumbled downstairs still in a stupor. She was so excited that santa came :) Ahhh kids are so adorable. So anyway, we opened presents! (Be prepared for a picture dominated post) I got my mom a nice scarf, and my dad three records. One of them is Adele's album "21". She's his new American music idol. I approve. Much better than Avril Lavine if you ask me (yes, he had an Avril phase). From my mom I got a bass guitar case and from my dad I got a lego architecture set! I'm excited to assemble all 2276 pieces of it lmao. After presents, a quick(?) shower, and some ramen, it was family picture time. Ugh, it's such a hassle, but I changed and dragged my butt downstairs and onto the piano bench. I trolled so many of the pictures hahaha and the best part is that my parents didn't see me do it, so when they looked at the pictures later, they were appalled by how awful some of them look. What can I say, I have a natural talent for ugly faces :) After pictures we chilled out, listened to the vinyls, and ate some delicious pot stickers for lunch. Yuumm. After lunch I did what I do best: nothing. Finally decided on watching a movie, and saw "One Day". It was amazing! Ed recommended it to me and said that it made him cry at the end....I was crying my eyes out the whole time lol. But all in all, a fantastic movie (screw the critics). I got a little sucked into the movie and it had me feeling depressed for a while after I finished watching it. According to our AP Psych teacher, that's a mild form of hypnosis. Apparently we might be getting hypnotized in his class after break! I am so excited lol. Going back to the movie, Jim Sturgess is so ridiculously good looking (just like Derek Zoolander!)
Angry bird hat I got my sister! It's so warm ^_^ |
Now moving on. After the movie I got sick. Haha how is that even possible you ask me? I have no idea. It kind of just hit me. Sore throat and a pounding headache. Also that weird feeling you get when you're sick where your nerves are extra sensitive so you can feel your clothing scratching your skin and cold water feels that much colder. Yeah... I'm supposed to be sleeping now. Whoops I'll make this quick then. Got dragged into playing rockband with my family. Haha it was literally me wheezing away on vocals and my parents
and KayKay attempting drums. She had the red drum. My mom the yellow. And my dad was in charge of the green, blue, and bass pedal. Lol. We had to tear my sister away from the drums in order to have dinner. Dinner was amazing and consisted of delicious left overs. After that I played some more Rockband with the fam, and then switched to karaoke. Needless to say, my voice was shot after all that. Even a big mug of steaming green tea didn't perform any magic.
Yeah, I'm not a morning person. On the other hand, my sister apparently is. |
Hahaha I dunno when my dad took this, but it basically sums up my feelings toward christmas pictures. |
Ugly(?) sweaters courtesy of nicole's mom....
...I think they're actually kinda cute.... |
That pretty much sums up Christmas! Now a quick run down of the past few days. Friday I freaked out all throughout school trying to finish gifts, notes, and whatnot. Got some of my teachers prezzies to thank them for helping me get into college :). For our friends, me and emma baked a shit load of cookies and put them in these cute christmas-themed chinese take out boxes! For ryan and miller I burned them each a CD and wrote a note. You can tell how different they are just from listening to the CDs. Miller's has Eminen, Sarah Barailles, and Colbie Caillet on it, and Ryan's has LMFAO, T-Pain, and random remixes. Also I snuck in some Adele for both of them hehe. After school I went to the mall with cc and that night sam was hosting an ugly sweater party! The party was pretty good, the food was amaazzinngg (mara I love your spinach dip) and some people brought guitars and we all sat around and sang songs. I felt like I was a little awk during it since there were alot of people I either didn't know, or barely knew. But hey, a party's a party. Also I discovered my love for raspberry ginger ale. I need to buy some of that stuff, pronto. Afterwards we went driving, and took some more christmas creepin' pics :) Saturday was present-rush day! Still managed to sleep in until 1 though lol. All day I was shopping and wrapping and decorating, holy poop i'm surprised my hands didn't just wither and fall off! All I remember is that dinner was delicious. Hurray for authentic take out :)
Live entertainment |
Lol yes. |
One of my personal faves. Yes we bolted after this one (lol flash) |
Wow I feel shitty, time to stop blogging haha. Hopefully when I wake up, I'll be cured ! I need to be healthy for this week! Good Night!
ReplyDeleteeheheheheh taeyang song!
ReplyDeletealso hehehe legos! also CTY shirt! also lol you should my fucking family photos theyre crazy o_O
also i like the sweater too hehe